Karin Buhmann
Selected research projects:
- 2021-2022 (with extension through 2024 likely) Grant holder and project leader (PI), project ‘Towards a socially just transition in the Arctic: Exploring, theorizing and disseminating best practice in meaningful stakeholder engagement for communities’ funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers/Nordregio Arctic Cooperation Programme, 400,000 DKK in year one (extension with 500,000 DKK in year 2 and 500,000 DKK in year 3 expected)
- 2021-2026: Member of research team for project under Canadian SSHRC Insight Grant, project ‘Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in Resource-Rich Economies’, grant holder/PI Dr Nathan Andrews, University of Northern British Columbia
- 2018-2022: Grant holder and project leader (PI) for international network project “Natural resources, risk-based due diligence, stakeholder engagement and public participation in decision-making: building comparative Arctic-Global South sustainability research” grant DKK 283.477 funded by the Danish Ministry for Science and Education
- 2018-2022: Grant holder and project leader (PI) for NOS-HS project “Best practice for Impact Assessment of infrastructure projects in the Nordic Arctic: Popular participation and local needs, concerns and benefits” grant SEK 450.000 for three workshops (Greenland, Denmark, Sweden/Norway Sami area).
- 2017-2022 Grant holder and project leader (PI) for project “Activities under UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Resources and Social Responsibility (Thematic Network ASRSR)”: grant DKK 481,381 awarded by UArctic and the Danish Ministry of Education and Science
Rachael Lorna Johnstone
Selected research projects:
- Perspectives on colonialism in Greenland Project Manager: Rachael Lorna Johnstone Funding Agency: Research Fund of the University of Akureyri Duration: 2021-22
https://www.unak.is/english/moya/ugla/staff/rachael-lorna-johnstone (University of Akureyri)
https://uk.uni.gl/find-employee/department-of-law/rachael-lorna-johnstone.aspx (University of Greenland)
Prof. Mark CJ Stoddart (he/him)
Selected research projects:
- The Oil-Tourism Interface and Social-Ecological Change in the North Atlantic. Mark C.J. Stoddart, Principal Investigator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), 2015-2022.
Title: Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in Resource-Rich Communities: Comparative Cases from the Global South and High North. Duration: 2021-2026. Amount: CAD $291,579- Agency: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Research Team: Nathan Andrews (PI), Mark Stoddart (Co-I), Paul Haslam (Co-I), Karin Buhmann (Collab), Ibironke Odumosu-Ayanu (Collab), Rajiv Maher (Collab), Anna-Sofie Skjervedal (Collab), Anne Johnson (Collab), Penelope Simons (Collab), Nancy Yáñez (Collab).
Dorothée Cambou
Selected research projects:
- Transitioning towards a sustainable Nordic Society: Assessing and monitoring the implementation of the rights of the Indigenous Sámi people as a means to achieve inclusive and sustainable development. Cambou, D., Ravna, Ø., Heinämäki, L. & Brännström, M. NOS-HS: Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils for Humanities and Social Sciences 01/01/2019 → 01/06/2022. https://blogs.helsinki.fi/norsil-network/
- CASES: Community Appropriate Sustainable Energy Security (CASES) Partnership Poelzer, G. & Cambou (as partner), D. 01/09/2019 → … https://renewableenergy.usask.ca/Projects/CASES.php
- Strategic litigation based on indigenous peoples’ rights: a viable option to force States to act against climate change? Smis, S., Cambou, D. & Renglet, C. 01/01/2020 → 31/12/2023. Vrije Universiteit Brussels. Funding from Research Foundation Flanders