GREEN-SORT started out as a platform to bring together members of three separate research network projects to create synergy and develop knowledge beyond what is possible within each of the separate projects on their own. The projects are all based on grants won by Professor Karin Buhmann, CBS as the principal investigator (PI). They are:
a) Best practice for Impact Assessment of infrastructure projects in the Nordic Arctic: Popular participation and local needs, concerns and benefits (grant provided by the Nordic Research Council under the NOS-HS facility (funding decision No 32711/ previous ref 2017- 00061/NOS-HS)
b) Natural resources, risk-based due diligence, stakeholder engagement and public participation in decision-making: building comparative Arctic-Global South sustainability research (grant provided by the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education (DAFSHE) under the International Networks facility (9th call) [ref no 7059-00088B.]
c) University of the Arctic (UArctic) Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Resources and Social Responsibility (grant provided by DAFSHE with UArctic), network website: https://www.uarctic.org/organization/thematic-networks/arctic-sustainable-resources-and-social-responsibility/
The website of GREEN-SORT is institutionally hosted by Copenhagen Business School.