Through efforts to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, governments across the EU have implemented measures to practice social distancing within their communities. As a result, public institutions and workplaces have closed down and activities have shifted online. Despite these closures, research at the Copenhagen Business School alongside the network of the REFLOW consortium and pilots still continues remotely.
Adapting to the Changes
With the approaching deadline of six upcoming deliverables in M12, the REFLOW team at CBS and across the consortium are going through a challenging transition of redefining the way they function and operate across online platforms.

Last month’s project meeting in Vejle had been cancelled due to coronavirus, resulting in a modification of the REFLOW team’s efforts to arrange an online meeting space. Participants across Europe virtually met on March 11 and 12 to discuss and partake in roundtable discussions via Zoom breakout rooms.
While these obstacles have changed the way that communication and work is being carried out across REFLOW, partners are continuing to persevere and sustain their efforts to meet the M12 deadlines and to collaborate on finding alternative solutions to continue remote work efficiently and collaboratively.
Resilient REFLOW
As an answer to the change in working conditions imposed by coronavirus, the REFLOW team has taken this as an opportunity to implement efforts to upscale the use and knowledge of existing and potential digital tools.
The team at CBS have taken necessary steps to identify associated risks with Covid-19 inside the project and are currently working on mitigation strategies.

Read more about REFLOW’s continued research efforts from Project Coordinator, Cristiana Parisi’s interview with CBS Wire here.