REFLOW and the New European Bauhaus
The three-day hybrid conference, Beautiful, Sustainable, Together: LIFE in the New European Bauhaus, welcomed the REFLOW Project Coordinator and Associate Professor (CBS), Cristiana Parisi, to join in on the conversation on urban transformations and the need for accelerating circular and regenerative transitions.
During the second day's session on Circular Economy (CE), Cristiana Parisi shared REFLOW’s approach to CE and how we are co-creating circular and regenerative transitions across the six REFLOW pilot cities - Amsterdam, Berlin, Cluj-Napoca, Milan, Paris, and Vejle. Cristiana was joined alongside a panel of other circular projects, initiatives, and actors who share in the journey towards building a better future for everyone. The panelists engaged in fruitful discussions on Circular Economy exploring how regenerative approaches can create a dialogue between urban development and climate action, which cultural and social changes are needed to promote circularity in urban society and economy, and much more. The panel was moderated by Filip Van Den Abeele.
European Commission - Events, LIFE...