UN-HABITAT: World Habitat Day
Copenhagen Business School's Associate Professor and REFLOW's Project Coordinator, Cristiana Parisi, will speak at this years's UN-HABITAT World Habitat Day and World Cities Day virtual events. This year's events will take departure in discussing strategies and tools for the human-centred sustainable development of cities with special attention on the circular economy model.
REFLOW at UN-Habitat
Cristiana's talk will discuss the circular economy within contemporary cities, drawing upon the work within the REFLOW Project and bring forward some considerations based on her research. She will join a group of international experts, researchers, and other actors to discuss and exchange knowledge on strategies and tools to face the challenges of our century.
Join the Event
World Habitat Day takes place online, 5 October 2020 starting at 11:00 - and wrapping up at 14:20. You can access the event here.
Download Programme
World Cities Day: 31 October 2020, online, TBA
Read more about UN-HABITAT World Habitat Day here and World Cities Day here....